Smart Medication Container Included in GDF Product Catalog

Smart Medication Container Included in GDF Product Catalog

Smart Medication Container Included in GDF Product Catalog 565 362 The Arcady Group

Often the news I share includes cool projects or technologies, small quick wins, or brief updates on our work. But today, I am so proud to share a BIG achievement. We, at The Arcady Group, LLC, have been working with Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationPATHKNCV Tuberculosis Foundation, and others for more than 6 years with the goal of developing WHO-approved, cost-effective and scalable tools to improve TB medication adherence in resource-limited settings. Scalable in global health means efficiently procurable by country programs. GDF is the mechanism most often used by country programs to procure TB medications, TB diagnostics, and now, . . . TB digital adherence technologies. Really proud to have worked with Evan Spark-DePassKaspars Lunte, MBA, MD, @Brian Kaiser, Kristian van Kalmthout to deliver this noteworthy achievement.

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